Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Causes Back Pain

Back pain may make your life turbulent as performing even easiest of tasks becomes a very big deal. Though it is a common problem yet one should not ignore it or let it go even at the initial stage when the pain is not much. The pain at times, may get so unbearable that you may feel like giving up. So, treatment becomes very inevitable being in such a situation. Even, for prevention of the problem before the problem gets into the form or before you go for any kind of treatment you need to know exactly, what causes back pain.

Back pain may be caused due to the damage of cartilage that works as a cushion between the bones. The condition is known as osteoarthritis. Another situation known as rheumatoid arthritis also leads to back pain. It happens due to inflammation and damage of the joints, the condition being known as rheumatoid arthritis. In some cases, the stiffness occurs in the spine area causing it to pain immensely. Other cases involve musculoskeletal pain in neck, shoulder and hip area. This leads to insomnia, numbness, restlessness and depression. Osteosporosis may be another cause of back pain, in which the bones become weak and tend to break by becoming brittle. The condition may lead to vertebrae fracture causing back pain.

Apart from these, there are other common causes as well, which include, wrong sleeping, sitting or standing postures, obesity and, conditions like menstruation or pregnancy among females. Obesity and lifestyle are found to be the most common of factors for back pain these days. As the weight increases, the burden on the spine increases as well causing back pain. Therefore it becomes very vital for the person to maintain his or her weight. The most obvious weight for back pain is old age which is definitely to come to everybody. It is one cause which cannot be avoided under any circumstances.

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