Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancy is a very sensitive phase in a woman’s life and needs to be dealt with lot of care. Experiences vary woman to woman. For some, pregnancy leaves a a bundle of sweet memories to cherish forever. There are absolutely no complications at all. But for some women, it starts with complications and ends with the same. Some of the common pregnancy complications are anemia, gestational diabetes, ectopic pregnancy and bleeding during early pregnancy. Placental abruption is another complication that involves early detachment of placenta due to reasons like high blood pressure. These complications should not be taken the easy way as they may take really heavy toll on you.

Pregnancy complications usually show at the right time and so can be treated well on time. Anemia or iron deficiency is a common problem, which requires double the dose of regular iron dose for women. Gestational diabetes happens to obese or over-weight women mostly, requires constant screening during the complete period. Ectopic pregnancy is a serious complication that happens as a result of wrong implantation of the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube instead of uterus. This is a terrible condition and can be life threatening. Such type of pregnancy can’t be carried on with, as the fallopian tube don’t provide nutrition and so the fetus ends up starving leading to very heavy bleeding.

Bleeding during pregnancy can happen due to any reason and may be a bad sign. In some women ‘spotting’ happens at the very start of pregnancy which indicates implantation of the fertilized egg at the uterine wall. If the bleeding is more, check for your doctor for it may be something serious. Bleeding during the last phase of pregnancy may indicate placenta previa and should be dealt as an emergency. Certain myths about such indications lead to heavy losses. So make sure you stay aware about what is right wiping away all the myths related to the subject.

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