Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nose-job Side-effects

Getting a dream nose may be an important aspect for anyone but the associated risks and effects should also be taken into consideration. Though nose correction surgeries contribute to today’s trend of cosmetic means yet it is wiser to note if the health would be affected due to this or not and if it would then how. There can be many nose-job side-effects. The person may have to bear a lot even if the surgery has been successful. Nose surgeries can be very painful and bothering since they involve alteration of the bone. Interestingly enough, most of the people in wake of getting ‘good looks’ cope up with the pain quite well.

One of the common nose-job side-effects is swelling. As the surgery involves reshaping of the tissues, these tissues later on heal and for that, adjust accordingly. The swelling may occur mainly below the eyes and around the nose. Initially, it may give a very weird look but later on it shows less. As the time passes, it gets lesser further and diminishes finally. Some people may find very little swelling for a longer period. It may persist even for about 5-6 months. The patient may keep feeling slight discomfort during this swelling.

Another side-effect of the surgery is, bruising. This also happens mainly around the eyes. Some patients have to bear with more of it and some find it lesser comparatively. This also may leave ugly dark patches in the area. This gives really a pathetic look to the patient. Though there are no associated complications with bruising, yet people find it to be very disturbing as it looks quite noticeable and ugly. For those who had undergone the surgery for good looks, it may be very disappointing though they are told about the fact that this would disappear in a matter of time. Every person planning for the surgery should talk to his or her doctor about all nose-job side-effects so that they are prepared in advance and know how to cope with them.

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