Friday, March 5, 2010

Throat Abscess

Throat abscess is a form of complication that arises due to some already existing throat problem. Pritonsillar abscess following tonsillitis and acute retropharyngeal abscess resulting from an infection of respiratory system are the two examples that explain the situation. You may or may not be aware about the new problem developing inside you. But some symptoms may lead you to ponder upon them. Even if you know about them, consider consulting your physician who would confirm and clear all your doubts.

You may experience all or some of the symptoms of throat abscess. These symptoms are pain in the throat or nearby areas like ear, drooling, halitosis and certain speech issues. Any throat problem may give pain to the throat but if you feel the pain is spreading to the areas near the throat and reaching towards ears, get a hint from this indication about an additional problem arising from the existing one. You may also find difficulty while swallowing anything. The condition is known as drooling, which is not very common. You should look for a quick medical attention if it happens to you.

Bad breath or halitosis, is a symptom that is hardly associated with throat abscess as many other factors may also be responsible for it. If you find another symptom along with this one, don’t ignore it and rather consult your doctor. Another symptom which should not be ignored is certain speech issues arising while you are already bearing with a throat problem. Though the problem may be very bothersome for most yet some people tend not to get bothered enough and therefore, try to carry on with it. This should never be so. Any speech issue may be serious, whatever is the cause for it. Even if the cause is not the throat abscess, rush to your doctor. The sooner you get yourself checked for any such problem, the better it would be. Treatment of throat abscess also depends upon the how early you reach your doctor for diagnosis.

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