Thursday, December 31, 2009


Dandruff is more associated to the skin, than hair. As the new skin cells generate to give new skin to the scalp the old skin sheds and is replaced by this new skin. As a result, it starts showing as dry flakes. In some people, the renewal of the skin is faster which means more old skin is shed. Some people don’t feel dandruff at all as there is minimal renewal of their scalp skin. The medical term given to dandruff is, Pityriasis capitis. Dandruff can be visible on head as white flakes entangled within scalp and hair. The person feels itching in the head and may require scratching his or her head all the time. The scratchy feeling occurs as the flakes need to be scratched out from the head.

If not itchy, the person may feel tingling sensation in the head. These flakes may be oily or greasy. They may keep falling all over giving a shabby appearance. There can be many causes of dandruff. People who don’t brush or comb their hair quite for some time are very likely to develop dandruff as the shedding of dandruff flakes takes place every time one combs. Dandruff can also result due to yeast or fungal infection of the head. Those who have dry skin also find dandruff, quite often. The problem worsens during winter months as the over-heated rooms cause extreme temperatures resulting to increased shedding process of these flakes.

To keep dandruff away, it is very important to clean or wash off the head on regular basis. A good shampoo should be employed for washing head and hair. Hair washing methods are also responsible for the state of the head. Gentle head massage while shampooing is the best way of cleaning your head. The selection of hair products should be made wisely or else they may be another cause of dandruff.

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