Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lactation Problems

Breastfeeding may sound easy, but cannot be considered the same. For some mothers, especially the new ones and her babies, it may be a very difficult phase. The lactation problems may be so disturbing that they think of quitting and starting bottle-feed for the baby. It would be extremely unwise to do so. For a baby, mother’s milk is the best possible food on earth and so he should not be deprived of it, come what may. It is important to note that, the time may be difficult even for the baby so the mother needs to help self and the baby during the whole process. There are many problems associated with lactation but one should not give up and rather try until success is achieved.

The most common of lactation problems is sore nipples. You can avoid or treat this problem by placing your nipple in baby’s mouth the correct way so that he does not bite it. If you already have wounds, apply suitable nipple cream that would help remove dryness and would heal the wound. Sometimes, there occurs clogging of the milk on milk ducts. This leads to pain in the area when the mother starts feeding the baby. Cold compressions really help open the ducts, making the milk flow continuous and smooth. The baby too finds it easy to suck. At times, the mother feels stiffness in the breasts and wonders if she should carry on with breast feeding or not. This stiffness is due to too much of milk in the breasts and goes once the baby starts sucking it.

Even during or after feeding the baby, the mother finds him getting irritated or disturbed. This may be due to the kind of food, mother is having. Therefore, the mother should consider having food that suits her baby’s tummy. The baby may even react to the taste during the process. So, look out for the food, baby is comfortable with and try sticking to that only, until the breastfeeding process is on. Considering these facts and tips, the mother can overcome most of the lactation problems.

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